Posted in Heroine Make Smooth Liquid Eyeliner, K-Pallete, Majolica Majorca Line Hunter

Beauty Blogger Award Stashy Edition


Hi All!
I know two days ago that you found this posted but I just have to do it again for the love just kept on pouring. I am so greatful to all  who gave that generous support and keeping us a part of their family.
Stashmatter is what I consider as my Fairygod Sister in this world of blogging. I look up to her style in keeping her readers glued and full of information. Don’t miss that oppurtunity of not knowing her.
Thank you for the nomination, sizums.
The Rules
1. State the name of the blogger that nominated you
2. Answer the questions you were given
3. Nominate 10 people whose blog is about beauty or fashion
4. Make 10 questions for your nominees to answer
5. Let the bloggers know that you nominated them
The Questions
1. How do you do your eyebrows?
I had them the old school way, and by that it means eyebrow pencil to define, eyebrow powder/kit to fill in and the eyebrow gel (in the kit) to set. At times that I use an eyebrow mascara to emphasize specially at times that I need to put up a fight with someone (kidding! :-D)
2. Name the lipstick that you can apply without a mirror
It’s a tattoo lipstick from a local brand named FM Cosmetics
3. When you wear make up, do you typically play up your eyes or your lips
My lips. I mix colors.
4. Are you a fan of the hair style where one side is shaved
Seriously?? No, but I admire the guts of girls who do it. I remember a classmate in highschool who has this do. Unfortunately she got suspended when the nuns found out.
5. What’s your favorite liquid eyeliner
LOL. Love of Liners. Nope, it’s Lots of Love. 🙂 which I thought was a local brand (prices are really way cheaper than our local make ups)
And because i’m feeling a bit generous, i’ll give other brand recommendation.
K-Palette –for first timers who haven’t mastered their wing yet, this is foolproof. A bit pricey though at Php 779 ($17)
Majolica Majorca Line Hunter -with angled  brush for those who wants definition. More pricey at Php 811.47 (roughly $18)
Heroine Make Smooth Liquid Eyeliner -A Japanese brand that has a very thin tip good for precise line only at Php 595 ($13)

All are smudge-proof and water-proof. Best of all, it’s easy to remove.
6. When was the last time you washed your make up brushes
Three months ago. Is it good or bad?
7. Your best tip for keeping your make up from melting off in the summer heat
On a personal preference, I don’t go on a heavy during summer. I use foundations that will couple well with my sunscreens to avoid breakouts. I use only lip & cheek tint for just a hint of color. I use waterbase moisturizers so it’ll easily sit on my face. But at times that using foundations really tends to melt, I use a finishing veil for touch ups or blotting paper which is more handy. ( Mary Kay Blotting Paper for me is the best)
8. Preferred nail shape: square, pointed, rounded or squvocal
Squvocal. I like the illusion of having a good nail bed.
9. Lipgloss or Lipstick
Lipstick. I looked washed out on a lipgloss.
10. What is the last make up related present you received 
A Maybelline mascara and Nyx round lipstick.

I treat this as a special edition so I decided to skip the 10 questions and my nominations and rather keep the first post that I had.
I hope you enjoyed reading as much as I did. 🙂