Posted in Inspirational

Monday Musing

Hello Everyall!
It have probably occured to you why I have been MIA for a couple of weeks. I’m pushing my luck with the mobile for the mean time while I’m waiting in vain with my internet provider. Sadly, that’s the sole reason. Oh how I miss you guys! ( hope some misses me too! 😉 ) I’ve been so overwhelmed with stashy of


and chris of fivezero for checking me. I’m so touched with the gesture. Hugs to you my sissums!


To start my week ahead, I would like to share with you these rules that I came across the net a few months back. I decided to keep it because I believe in all of them right away. Once a wise man said to me that to be able to have respect, you should earn it. What a good example would be all that is written in this list. Sometimes we have to be reminded of these things, simple yet so powerfull to be able to value and give worth of what surrounds us. For us to have a better relationship with our being as well as with others and you’ll see how great and peacefull life can be.


Blogging is the new and empowered movement that creates a major influence to the intelligent society of today. I let myself be the channel of my beloved homeland and share to the world that beauty doesn't divide but unites. In this blog, I will be sharing some wonderful finds that are new to our market and other neighboring countries in Asia. As well as my love for a very particular one which are lipsticks. I would also want YOU my readers to join ME as I go find quality products that wouldn't put a hole in our pockets. So, sit back and enjoy as I do the WORK.

10 thoughts on “Monday Musing

  1. 😀 Glad to see you posting but don’t push your mobile data just for the sake of the blog! I hope your internet service is up and running soon – I hate feeling disconnected from the world! 😛
    That list should be posted at every school and workplace! People often forget the most basic things about human interactions: how would YOU like to be treated?


    1. Totally agree. If only everyone would keep this by heart because I believe it’s what they earnestly want others to know in them personally.
      For now, I’ll take not to push with the mobile data. It saddens me that I could do the short ones. But definitely absence made you think of so many things. 🙂 Hopefully I could all put them into action once the internet is good. Awww, I just hope that I won’t be missing on so much with you guys. 😦


    1. Thank you Herl. 🙂
      I think I did? Have you recieved my reply? Oh shoot! Guess I have to do a seperate one for the trail is getting longer. I’m really hoping we could set all things come next year. 😦


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