Posted in Make up finds

Love/Hate Tag

One of my trusted bloggers, the amazing Fivezero tagged me to do the Love/Hate Tag. Thankee! Do check out her beautiful blog.

The Rules: 

In this tag we have to share 10 things that we love and 10 things that we hate. Nominate up to 10 blogs to do the same.

So here’s mine.

Things that I Love

  1. Shoes
  2. Lipsticks
  3. Organized Things
  4. Ice Cream
  5. Family
  6. Dogs
  7. Nail Polish
  8. Cooking
  9. Perfumes
  10. Malling

Things that I Hate

  1. People who doesn’t finish their food
  2. Rudeness
  3. Laundry
  4. Clutter
  5. Late People
  6. Fake
  7. Cockroach
  8. Summer
  9. Rain
  10. noise

I am now tagging the following bloggers

  1. Stashmatters
  2. beautywithroby
  3. Maiko skincare
  4. miekeey
  5. binequeen
  6. doseofrain
  7. sandyxo
  8. amandalyle1986
  9. Maria B
  10. Popmodblog


Blogging is the new and empowered movement that creates a major influence to the intelligent society of today. I let myself be the channel of my beloved homeland and share to the world that beauty doesn't divide but unites. In this blog, I will be sharing some wonderful finds that are new to our market and other neighboring countries in Asia. As well as my love for a very particular one which are lipsticks. I would also want YOU my readers to join ME as I go find quality products that wouldn't put a hole in our pockets. So, sit back and enjoy as I do the WORK.

9 thoughts on “Love/Hate Tag

  1. Oh no, you must hate me, I never ever finish my food. I’m terrible. Here in Canada, similar to the US, they just give TOO much food at the restaurants. It’s not feasible for me to finish the whole plate unless I want to get sick!
    But I agree, I hate HATE people who are late constantly. Ugh, it’s very inconsiderate.
    And I too, agree with you, I dislike summer too. I’m not built for the summer heat… I’m sure it’s nothing like compared to your climate, but it does get very humid here and highs of 40C + humidity is gross.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. All the while I thought summer in Canada is much bearable. I’m starting to believe the memes that I see about people there still in their winter clothes even if it’s summer. ✌🏼
      I don’t know how different our summer is in compare to countries that snows. Maybe the duration though. Here it’ll last for about three months. Even if I grew to this kind of weather, it seems to me that every year, it gets hotter even. I swear!
      About food, yes there are all also restaurants here that serves a huge amount but at the same time they indicate in their menus if it’s to share. Sometimes, I ask.
      And no, I don’t think I ‘ll hate you. I believe people who are sensible have their thinking straight. 😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh yes, we get a full range of temperature here! The range is crazy – it can go as low as -40C and all the way up to +40C, not factoring windchill or humidity! In the summer, it can get so hot that the city declares cooling locations so people can go hang out at the shopping malls or where ever they have A/C. Once, we went to Florida in the summer and the Americans asked us where we got our summer clothes. Um, we have summer here in Canada! 😛
        I do think that as I get older, I’m less tolerant of the heat too – I can’t imagine now running around in the summer time outside!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. so it’s all a mistaken notion. 😊 thanks for clearing that up.
        Me, never leaves the house without an umbrella, sunscreen or i’ll return burned! The 10-3 critical time for going out doesn’t apply anymore. Even the morning sun here already hurts the skin. I really can’t imagine the following years would be.


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